Sometimes, a prophetic work like this will spontaneously develop. It is as if my higher-self is whispering: "get ready, something is about to show up in your life". A few days after I made this work, I ended up, through a synchronistic series of events, in a woman-I'd-just-met's home, listening to silent music and having my arms gently pulled (I'm not kidding, it's one of the latest healing modalities). Turns out I'd had a "vanishing twin" whilst I was still a tiny embryo. In my mother's womb, before the end of the second trimester, I'd had a twin brother. Can you see the dead fish in the centre of the painting? And I think, over on the right, that's me, swimming on... "birth process, 5 canvases of 40 x 50 cm, acrylics, July 2011" |